I am struck at how much of my life has been about fear. Each valley, dark and fearful. Each mountain top reflecting on the unshakable, completely reliable, unwavering, constant, immovable faithfulness of our God. Wondering why I doubted. Realizing at the end of the day God is always the same and all I have left is the image of who I was in the journey. Crying, scared, worried, anxious and on it goes. Full of darkness and death.
He never changes. He is always faithful. He is the same yesterday today and forever. He is all powerful. He is all knowing. He is everywhere. He is not surprised. He knew before He spoke the world into existence exactly what would happen and chose us anyway. He knew the pain and counted it worthwhile for an eternity in relationship with us. He also knew the pain we would encounter would be exceedingly worthwhile - Rom 8 ...I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us... (see the previous post)
Some years ago my wife and I had experienced some years of infertility. Through many tears, some surgeries and waiting, God moved. He waited as long as it took for us to let go. We must be content in Him and Him alone. Until we released the anxiety, it would never happen. When we came to the end of ourselves, He quickly opened the door.
Later, more infertility. Doctor - door closed, no more. Disturbed. We let go. God opened a new door, through foster/adoption.
Fear (back again). Horror stories from CPS, badly damaged and wounded children. how could we say no to a child. How could we possible say yes. What about our busy lives and mostly what about the welfare of our young child. And the big one that is classic, but what is I get attached and the child is removed. I couldn't handle that.
A few weeks ago we were ask to counsel people who were considering foster care or adoption. That same old fear question kept coming up, but what if I get attached?
Interestingly foster care is virtually free. 126,000 orphans in the foster care system today in the U.S. who are ready to be adopted. No tenuous uncertainty about their biological families. They are in need of a home today. Confusion on the number of churches in the U.S. If each church in America were good for between 2 and 4 orphans, close it down, shows over, no orphans in the United States of America. Church where are you. What happened to James 1:27
Pure and undefiled religion is this that we care for the widows and orphans.
Like so many jobs, the care of our most vulnerable has been outsourced and not even to the church, it is largely run be the secular government. We pull into our rear driveways, push the garage door button, slip inside, by ourselves, consume ourselves with ourselves and a few guilty people write a few checks to help to soothe the spirit inside them that is screaming for life and purpose.
Again all of this is fear speaking. Fear is bad. You might go so far as to call it sin. Jesus told us now to be anxious-Matthew 6. Philippians 4 - do not be anxious... Jesus certainly wrestled in the garden, perhaps Fear=Sin is too strong, don't know, but it is not God's plan.
Why do we make decisions based on fear? Fear comes from ourselves. Faith comes from Him. Making decisions from fear brings death and more fear.
Beloved preacher Lynn talked to us once about a large Pink Elephant. He went on for some time to describe this creature and we were instructed rigorously not to forget. He transition to another topic for a few minutes about something else and then abruptly ask us if we had remembered. Remember what? We had all forgotten.
What ever your vice, you won't solve be gazing intently at it. You won't loose weight riveted on the glass case at the donut shop. You won't put down the bottle be staring at a six pack.
You must replace the one with another.
Matthew 12:43-45
Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.
"Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order.
"Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation."
Don't consume yourself with your concerns and obsessions, focus on Him alone. Before you can think a thought when you first wake up until the last thought at night, give it to Him. What does He want. How can you get yourself out of the way and let Him bring you Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control.
It is as simple as this Trust and Obey. If you have a hard decision, don't obsess. Slow down. Give Him time to respond. Put many faithful people in your world. Don't be cut off and in isolation. Read His word. When you rise up, when you lie down and when you go about your day. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Have fun.
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