satan - son of the morning, couldn't have had a better deal, yet he and a third or the angels weren't content. Not sure what happened. Some say they saw that God's creation of women was exceedingly perfect and they rebelled. Regardless they didn't find their contentment in Him.
And that is where sin starts. Being discontent. Not finding your job and peace in Him alone. Taking your eyes off of Him. Allowing all of the junk in this world distract you and scare you. He is quite clear, be anxious for nothing.
Luke 10:18
He replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Adam and Eve - couldn't have had a better deal. Perfect garden. They were King and Queen and they were made and allowed to rule. In the cool of each day they walked with God and shared their excitement and wonder at God's creation. Like a small child in a toy store. There was peace and harmony. The Lamb and the Lion lay down together.
Thinking time had passed and there was routine, familiarity and boredom. Wandering around sniffing that rotten fruit. Looking at it. They saw it was "pleasing to look at". Why were they there looking at it. You don't stay away from the buffet by getting in the line. They decided that God was not enough, that they needed one more thing.
That's the whole story. The moment we decide we are unhappy, worried, discontent and not filled with Him we die, we sin. Certainly we are in a fallen world and (Rom 8) the whole creation groans as in the pains of childbirth ... and not only so, but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body...
Are you content in Him? Is He enough or do you need just one more thing? One more bill paid? One more dollar? A job? A relationship? Another rescue?
Trust and Obey. Deny yourself. Keep your on Him. As my dad used to say, "Greg, keep your eye on the ball".
A difference between them and us. They didn't have pain before their fall. I know God hates pain. I know God shares our pain, all of it, for all people, for all time, condensed into a constant present reality for Him. I agonize over all of the pain in my world and over all that I am presented with. I am overwhelmed and grieving, but I see the least little smidgen of the death brought on by sin.
God knew the pain would come as horrific as has been, is and will be, it is not worth comparing to the glory that will be revealed in us.
I wonder if He knew we would fall if not allowed to sin and realize the pain. In our home we have small children and the familiar phrase "the stove is hot", "that electric plus is hot" is required training. While I would do anything to keep my three sons from pain, from the mistakes I made and the pain I endured, I know deep in my heart that they will have to have the pain, in order to learn.
Wonder if God knows that without the pain we too will one day rebel once we finally make it to the New Jerusalem.
James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
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